
Hilton Hotel - Hospitality Private Industry


Human resource management refers to strategic approach to effective management of workers of company so that they assess business to gain the competitive benefits. This report is based on hotel Hilton which is a hospitality private industry. The industry is actual a hotel of all the services founded on 31st may. It serves worldwide area and it headquartered in McLean, Virginia, and United States. It is a largest hotel brands in UK. This report includes the importance of human resource activity and developing a human resource plan for the hotel. The second task is regarding the laws and rights in the organisation along with its impacts is being focused. The third tasks focuses on the various job description, selection of the candidates and job specification on the basis of various selection methods. The last task focuses on the advantages that the hotel can achieve by following the proper training and developing in the workplace.

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1.1Role and Purpose of HRM

The hospitality industry are basically employees related industry. As business and industry states that employee is a vital part of the organisation, hospitality industry also states the same. In hotel business one must have a good and qualified human resource. The human resource managers includes each and every aspect of the hotel industry., which makes human resource management as intrinsic)and most important part of hospitality industry in hotel industry. The capacity of rendering good and significant facilities to the customers of the hotel depends upon the human resource working that hotels. (Armstrong, P., 2014.

The human resource department is responsible for selecting and recruiting new employees, and the work of the new employees can affect the performance of the hotel , so it is the responsibility of the human resource managers to hire the suitable, best and qualified people for the hotelBakker.( A. B. and Demerouti, E., 2014. ). One of the most important task of the HR manager is to hire employees which the suitable for the job , because in hotel many people are interested to work in since they think there is not much work to do in hotel industry, whereas hotel services need active employees which have good decision making capacity and can satisfy customers queries on time. Human resource management's another responsibility is to retain the highest quality of employees which can provide customer satisfaction and can benefit the industry. The main issue in this industry many people think it is not a career oriented industry and they do want to utilise it as their ending career, that is the reason employee turnover in the hotel industry is quite higher as compared to the other industries. Human resource manager is also responsible for resolving the and handling the human resource management issues in the hotel industry. They have to deal with customers coming from different countries having different language, cultures and unique conception, this where the human resource department needs to have a wider range of perceptive of duties within the hotel industry. Therefore the training and development provided by an HR to the employees to be benefited and appropriate for them enough to cope up and handle the issues relating to different countries people according to their culture and expectations.(Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017)

Human resource department plays a vital role in maintaining the appropriate corporate culture and also to handle the issues related to the external environment. Moreover they motivate and encourage the employees for providing the customer satisfaction.

1.2 Analysis of supply and demand in Hilton

A human resource plan in Hilton determines the requirements of human resource in the organisation by having a proper monitor and control process with the workplace. By relating the demand and supply in the hotel business the human resource plan of Hilton is discussed below.

Resourcing strategy: The main focus of the resourcing strategy of Hilton is to give competition to its competitor, they develop the competitive advantage through the labour workforce that retain its position in the hotel for a longer duration. The hotel can do reduction in the cost of employees and increase the productivity of the employees.(Celma, D., Martínez‐Garcia, E. and Coenders, G., 2014)

Scenario planning: The planning of human resources must be proper so that they adopt a flexibility in their work and can adjust and adapt to the changes according to the business conditions. They should have a good sense capacity so that they can feel the changes in the competitive world and must be effectual to solve the worst cases scenario in context to the industry. Planning must be strong so that it can make use of the best opportunities arriving for the hotel.

Forecasting demand and supply: For expanding their plans Hilton need to regard the present demand for people according to the terms of number and skill. It is important for Hilton in case of surplus and scarcity of employees to avoid additional employee cost by analysing correctly the demand of the employees. And the involvement of the human resource will be according to the demand and supply for the workforce in the market.

Analysis for labour turnover: To maintain the planning approach of Hilton for the competitive advantage in industry the determination of cost effective labour turnover is very important.

Analysis for Operational effectiveness: Hilton tries to give competition in the market through the process of including low cost and high productivity process among the workforce. In the following process productivity regarding to regularity would be important to the plan of the industry.

Analysing for work environment: Hilton needs to create a environment that would help the employees to achieve capabilities and skills and it will help the performance of the employees.

Retention: Though Hilton tend to reduce the employee cost but other hotels can offer them good compensations schemes so therefore retention becomes a challenge for the hotel. To avoid this they should provide them building good career opportunity and motivate them so that the employees remain for longer duration within the industry.(Chelladurai, P. and Kerwin, S., 2017)


2.1 Current state of employment relations in Hilton

Employee relationship management is important for human resource. It focuses on building a strong employee and employer relations at the organisation by motivating them, boosting their morale and encouraging the employees. In Hilton ,they tries to resolve the problems faced by the employees of the hotel that are affecting the performance as well the as the organisation. They build a good communication between the employees so that they so not face any issue while working. The employee relationship management deals with the elements: Employment contract; Dissimilarity between contractual employment rights and statutory employment rights ; rules and norms relating to the daily routine and policy regarding to avoid employee discrimination.

Being a leading brand hotel Hilton, give importance to employee and employer relationship as it motivates the employees, increases productivity and job satisfaction which are essential for every industry. This also effect the competitors and therefore it is good to build a strong employee relations so the factors of the employees can be increased. In Hilton, the employment contract is created according to the requirements of the industry so that all the employee have knowledge about the working hours duration and termination of employee contract. It is also important for the hotel to maintain a healthy employee relationship to have a competitive advantage over other organisation. Hilton believes in over all satisfaction of the guests and to increase the involvement of the industry employee relationship is important . Along with this a regular interaction with the employees will also increase their productivity.(Farndale, E., Brewster, C. and Poutsma, E., 2014.)And provide them with the essentials that are mention in the contract which is made between the employer and the employee. The human resource department would control and monitor all these factors and it would be a competitive advantage by maintaining employee and employer relationship. That is the reason , Hilton will maintain good employee and employer relationship so as to achieve its goals, targets and objectives and thereby creating the strategies of competitive advantage through human resource.

2.2 Affect of employment law in managing the human resources

Different legislations are framed to improve the relationship between employees in the industry. With context to this different acts and regulations including Employment Relations Act , equal opportunities and employment rights act are being created by the government. These employment laws are also called labour laws as it involves many rules and regulations according to the organisation. The important acts that actually affect the management of the human resource management in the hotel and are important for Hilton are: Employment Relations Act 2004,Equality Act 2010 and employment rights 1996.

Employment Relation Act,2004: Employment relation act was framed to utilise the change in the new statutory procedure for employees and creating a healthy employers and employee relationship. It defines the roles and responsibilities, termination, grievances, etc. of the employers and the employees. In Hilton, it is the responsibility of the human resource manager to make the workforce aware about the basics rules and regulations of this act such as simplifying the legal requirements, broadening unions and extending the protection against dismissal etc.

Equality Act 2010: This equality act was implemented to provide equal work opportunities to every employee on the basis of their job roles and designation and not regarding to their gender, income and country elements. In Hilton, in order to grasp business opportunities and resolving issues it is important for the human resource manager to implement this act in the recruitment and selection process. They should offer fitness room, foreign currency exchange and room services to the customers.

Employment Rights,1996: The main aim of this act is to overcome the issues relating to human resource which includes unfair dismissal, time off rights for parenting and providing reasons of notice before dismissals. It is mainly concerned with the salaries and wages of the employees. Hilton focuses on maintaining low employee cost and by implementing this act it can solve issues of the employees regarding to conflicts or job dissatisfaction in a proper manner.

2.3 Comaprison between the selection process of different service industries businesses

Recruitment and selection processes differs on the type of the industry. The main aim of the selection process is to choose the right candidate for the role who can match the job description provided by the organisation and then selecting the candidate according to the job description. The selection techniques that are used by the industry are discussed.

Interviews: Interview are very common in most of the industries. They are taken to check the communication skill as well as technical skill of the candidate. Interviews can be of different types such as technical interview, personal interview, etc.(Glendon, A. I. and Clarke, S., 2015. )

Presentation: During the interview process the candidates might asked for giving presentation in front of the panel in the conference room. It identifies the presentation skills as well as the managing of customers that would be beneficial for the job roles in the industry.

Tests: To check the knowledge of the candidate tests are being conducted for a specific post. Under this organisation might take a situation test where they can see the adaptability of the candidate according to different situations. (Marchington, M., and et. al., 2016)

Psychometric tests: This tests helps in analysing the personality traits of the candidates . It also helps in analysing the behaviour of the candidate whether the person will be fitted in the job role role offered by the organisation or not.

The selection method are different in every organisation. It is based on the type of the job role for which a candidate needs to be get selected for. According to Hilton,the hotel manager must be a skilled person so that he can manage the daily activities along with the professionalism and listen to the grievances of the clients or guests. According to Hilton, they use different tests, presentation and psychometric test is the last test for the hiring of the candidates. The written test is been done for taking the adaptability of the candidates according to different situations faced by the candidate. The written test is conducted then the presentation to know the communication skills of the candidates as well the the way they can handle the customers. Lastly the psychometric test is taken to analyse the behaviour and personality of the candidate. (Reiche, B. S., and et. al., 2016)And if the candidate passes all the tests than he is been selected for the position in the hotel.(Hohenstein, N. O., Feisel, E. and Hartmann, E., 2014.)


Job description and personal specifications

For the selected service in Hilton Hotel the job description and personal specification are given below.

Name of the organisation: Hilton Hotel

Name of the department: hospitality department

Job title: Customer service executive

Summary of the Job:

In the hotel the role of the customer service executive is to help customers in booking and other customization acquirements of the guests. They interact with guest and help them to get a good experience while staying.

Key responsibilities

  • Managing the calls of the customer for checking the rooms available in the hotel and confirming their reservation.
  • Taking feedbacks from the guest relating to the hotel services.
  • Managing the losses of customer regarding goods.
  • Giving information about the various tourism destination to visit.
  • Asking them for their choices in meals and assisting the hotel staff in taking care of them.

Reporting relationship

In customer service department ,the person would be recruited for the assistance manager role. He has to report the manager of the hotel as well.

Process for development of job description

The documents created by the human resource department of the hotel is termed as job description. This job description document includes the norms and laws of the organisation and the roles to be performed at job and the methods or tools and techniques required to do the job. The steps that are needed for job description are discussed.

  • Make a background collection for the candidate and arrange the needs of the organisation which will help them to match .
  • The job description is given to the candidates so that they are being aware of the roles and responsibilities needed to be perform by the candidate being selected for the job.
  • Job description is designed to match the job with the job requirements of the candidates to create a fair situation for the candidate and organisation as well. 


Contribution of training and development activities to the effective operation

There are some employees which are not educated in the the Hilton Hotel as there are many positions in the hotel. Yet the employees working within the hotel represents the Hilton's culture, that is why every employee in the hotel needs to trained and developed up to certain standards and criteria. Importance of training and development is been discussed.

The company culture: Hilton has a special way of doing things and satisfying its customer. There maid offers chocolates while entering and a cruise line always make towel monkeys or octopus that sits the bed to greet customers. These are some of the specific features provided by Hilton to enhance the guests experience in the hotel. Training at each locations help to have experience of such greets to the customers.
Training is also important to have a uniformity maintained in each and every workforce of the hotel. From the starting to setting up pillows or bedsheets or designing the room for the relaxation of the customers training need to be provided so that all the workforce of the Hilton, even in different countries follows the same culture and have uniformity.(Urtasun-Alonso, 2014.)

Developing Talent: Many workers in Hilton start from a initial level and works hard to go up to higher levels. In Hilton, it trains workforce and training requires time, which can be opportunity to people who have hidden talents which can lead them to higher positions. Basically they give training on the way one should interact with guests in the hotel. Getting learned with different backgrounds people help them to deal with guest with different background. (Storey, J., 2014.)

Problem solving and service: The main aim of Hilton is to deliver guests great services that give them good experiences. They develop these skills in the staff and if the guest is facing problems or having issues from the services of the hotel, the workforce job is to resolve that issue in a friendly manner so that guest feel satisfied with the solution and can enjoy stay happily in the hotel.

Safety and security: In Hilton, workforce is being trained for giving safety to the guests. As guests are not aware of the area , they develops plans for guests so as to protect them from unnatural calamity or disaster and there would not be any chaos or panic between guests at the time of happening of the incident.

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The human resource department acts as a competitive advantage for the industry. Therefore the main focus of Hilton is develop its employees within the workplace. From the starting it throws light on the role and purpose of the human resource management. It shows the human resource plan of the industry and assessing the current state of employment relations of the industry . It also involves the job description and personal specification and includes the contribution of training and development activities to the effective operation of Hilton. 

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  • Armstrong, P., 2014., 2014. Limits and possibilities for HRM in an age of management accountancy. New Perspectives On Human Resource Management op. cit. at. pp.154-166.
  • Bakker, A. B. and Demerouti, E., 2014. Job demands–resources theory. Wellbeing: A complete reference guide. pp.1-28.
  • Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.
  • Brewster, C. and Hegewisch, A. eds., 2017. Policy and practice in European human resource management: The Price Waterhouse Cranfield survey. Taylor & Francis.
  • Celma, D., Martínez‐Garcia, E. and Coenders, G., 2014. Corporate social responsibility in human resource management: An analysis of common practices and their determinants in Spain. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 21(2). pp.82-99.
  • Chelladurai, P. and Kerwin, S., 2017. Human resource management in sport and recreation. Human Kinetics.
  • Farndale, E., Brewster, C. and Poutsma, E., 2014. Coordinated vs. liberal market HRM: the impact of institutionalization on multinational firms. In International human resource management (pp. 20-39). Routledge.
  • Glendon, A. I. and Clarke, S., 2015. Human safety and risk management: A psychological perspective. Crc Press.
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